PENTAGON DUMPS ANOTHER CODSWALLOP REPORT: UFO Community Reaction is Swift, Predictable & Condemning
Let’s get this out of the way, right away! The latest Pentagon UFOs/UAP report from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) dropped recently on March 6, 2024. Like the Washington Post headline about it below, similar headlines from media in all of its inglorious shapes basically bear the same useless meaning and super sanitized messaging that most of UFOlogy -- researchers, writers, experiences and whistle blowers, nutjobs and basket cases, historians, legal experts, tweeters, bloggers and others – have come to expect from militaristic, government authorities: A Whole Lotta Nada. For 70+ years!
Which doesn’t make it acceptable.
The Post: “Pentagon report finds no evidence of alien visits, hidden spacecraft: Claims about secret government programs reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology are based on “circular reporting” and hearsay, investigators found.”
You don’t even have to read the report’s 63 pages (and your chronicler has neither the time nor desire) to know that the empire builders and their gatekeepers, information wankers, deep state/deep space bogeymen, whoever…. are still deploying the classic Robertson Panel’s m.o. from 1952 (!) -- to deny evidence and reporting and to ridicule sources and data. This latest volley just confirms what this blog reported on June 19, 2023: That AARO is a downright rotten, pish posh sham.
To recap that entry, “According to David Schindele, a retired U.S. Air Force captain who was involved in a UFO incident at a missile launch control center in the Minot missile field in 1966, recently testified to AARO and had little good to say about its transparency or its truth trajectory: “He [Schindele] said the ‘oral history reviews’ were conducted with former military who have had sightings, incidents and encounters impacting national security. ‘Sad to say, however, I have now determined that AARO is part of the cover-up and cannot be trusted,’ Schindele said.
“The newspaper account clearly establishes the former airman’s cred and why he granted an AARO interview in the past month (behind closed doors): ‘‘Schindele, who was stationed at Minot Air Force Base from July 1965 to May 1968, was involved in a UFO incident occurring in September 1966. During that incident, Air Force members from the Minot base experienced an incident in the Minot missile field in which a flying object took ‘off alert’ all 10 of the nuclear-tipped missiles, causing them to be unlaunchable. About a dozen military members topside at the missile launch control facility observed the mysterious flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the perimeter fence on that September night.’”
Trust me, you won’t find the account of this harrowing historical event in the latest codswallop report, paid by your hard-earned U.S. tax dollars.
Reaction to the Report Broke Out like a Viral Poison Ivy Rash
Of course, it didn’t take long for the UFO community – or at least some of its most vocal and visible members – to react swiftly and predictably to condemning Master Pentagon’s latest word dump. Most rent their clothing over Twitter/X and blog posts, their reactions to the report spreading like a viral, poison ivy rash. Here are some key highlights guaranteed to make you itch and scratch, too (bolded and italicized lines are mine).
Whitely Strieber, Author, Experiencer:
They can't stop lying. They're addicted to it. It's shameful and vile.
The new UAP report is very concerning. From my standpoint, it is an insult to the close encounter witnesses who have suffered for so long. It is also a reminder that a country cannot be free when too many secrets are kept. Where the secrets start, the republic stops.
Stephen Bassett, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government-imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena:
I am happy to drop in on any Twitter spaces dealing with this cluster fuck by the Pentagon.
The Department of Defense has just pulled down its pants and pissed on Senators Chuck Schumer, Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mike Rounds and Congresspersons Tim Burchett, Ana Paulina Luna, Nancy Mace, James Comer, Reuben Gallego, Andre Carson, Mike Gallagher and a host of military witnesses to events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence. (Yes, extraterrestrial. Spielberg did not produce and direct ET: The Non-Human Biologic).…
Credit: UAP Congressional hearing: ABC News
Ryan Graves, Former U.S. Nacy pilot, Disclosure advocate:
As a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot who works with other advanced UAP witnesses, I am very discouraged and disappointed by the Pentagon’s report. Once again, the Pentagon demonstrates it is more interested in discounting witnesses and whistleblowers than it is with actually identifying anomalous objects and phenomena in our airspace. The bottom line is that this report raises more questions than it answers. Here are the facts: In the actual report, the Pentagon again acknowledges that there are anomalous objects in our airspace demonstrating concerning performance characteristics. For example, the “UFO videos” - 2004 Nimitz incident, 2015 Gimbal and GoFast experienced by squadron remain completely unexplained and the Pentagon has no new update on this mystery.
The Pentagon is unable to determine whether or not these advanced UAP are foreign just as the former director of AARO is calling advanced UAP, “a potential national security crisis. The Pentagon is dismissing UAP cases in this report without evidence while having previously said that they don’t have the resources or the proper authorities to adequately investigate. Here are my questions: Why is the Pentagon trying to dismiss cases they can’t explain? If reported cases of UAP are entirely innocuous, why is AARO right now deploying advanced hyperspectral sensors to military bases and training ranges? Is the Pentagon the right agency to investigate whistleblower claims or should Congress or the DOJ take a stronger role to ensure impartiality and justice? Rather than address head on the 80-year UAP mystery, the Pentagon succeeded in further misdirecting the public, discouraging military pilots and whistleblowers from coming forward, and perpetuating the stigma surrounding this topic
Lue Elizondo, former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs, Disclosure advocate:
Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, Disclosure advocate:
This new report is not going to satisfy anyone. To begin with, it is a case of the DoD and the IC investigating themselves without even the independence that Inspectors General enjoy. Obviously, there is a huge potential conflict of interest. Imagine a small office at the DoD trying to investigate the Iran-Contra affair. Congress did a great job with that inquiry, something that would have likely been a whitewash if the Executive had tried to investigate itself.
Further, many witnesses did not trust AARO and would not meet with them. For example, one former senior USG official years ago not only told me the rumors are real, he also provided details including the name of the USAF “gatekeeper.” But he refused to speak to AARO about this because he claimed he did not trust the process. Some of the witnesses who refused to meet with AARO did meet behind closed doors with members of Congress, however. That is why some in Congress take the issue so seriously.
Uri Geller: Photo image: Sky News
Uri Geller, psychic, spoon-bender, confidant to many like Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell and space pioneer Werner Van Braun
I’m absolutely quivering and fuming with anger! Why? Because the American’s government’s AARO is way off target!!! Their latest official report on UFOs/UAPS – fired off by their supposedly (don’t make me laugh) unbiased, totally-above-board and truth-seeking All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office [AARO] – has just been published and believe me, it certainly hasn’t hit the “Bullseye” when it comes to getting close to the truth. Instead, all it has delivered is a massive pile of hot, steaming Bull S***!!! The whole thing is TOTAL BS!!! It’s the most obvious cover-up since the Soviet government tried to pretend nothing had gone wrong at CHENOBYL!
In fact, I would say it ranks alongside the WATERGATE scandal or the time President Bill Clinton told the whole world he didn’t have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky! The report claims that there is NO evidence that the US government had encountered alien life – and that a mass of historical UFO sightings (including a sudden “spike” of sightings in the 1960s) were actually probably all caused by the testing of advanced US spy planes and space technology! What a load of ridiculous BS!!
I KNOW the findings of this report aren’t worth the paper they are written on! Every conclusion outlined in this report is pure, organic and unadulterated BULL CRAP! The whole thing is utter codswallop!! Don’t tell me there is “NO EVIDENCE” that the US had encountered alien life – I’ve seen it with my OWN eyes! The US government has not only encountered them – it’s hiding them away in DEEP FREEZE storage!! And they’ve had them for OVER 50 YEARS!!
How do I know that? Because Werner Von Braun SHOWED me just some of what they had - and that was in the early 70s!! He opened a safe and showed me a piece of metal that was retrieved debris from a UFO/UAP and then he took me to an underground storage unit - housed on a NASA base – where I was shown FROZEN alien bodies that looked just like the being in this video!!! PLEASE – whatever you do – DO NOT – I repeat – DO NOT - fall for this Bull**** AARO report! It is a blatant attempt to bury the recent revelations and progress that has been made by all the brave whistle-blowers and eyewitnesses who have come forward to tell the truth! #AARO #UFOs #UAPs #coverup #governmentsecrets #whistleblowers #eyewitnesses #truthseeking
Gary Nolan, American immunologist, academic, inventor, and business executive interested in UAP research and experiencers:
Gary Mauney, Interested North Carolina Lawyer:
AARO subpoenaed no documents or physical evidence. They put no witnesses under oath. They relied on the "word" of the defense contractors ("on the record"). they produced none of the unexplained evidence. They implicitly threatened whistleblowers. An obvious farce. Compliant MSM.
Daniel Sheehan, constitutional lawyer, founder of The New Paradigm Institute, Disclosure counselor:
Dr. Kirkpatrick and his associates in @DoD_AARO are sadly continuing that long National Security State tradition of actively lying to Congress - and to the American People - through the release of their March 8th, 2024 "Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), Vol. 1." That Report is nothing more than a cheap retread of the now utterly threadbare lies and omissions of the repeated historical false investigations regarding this extraordinarily-important phenomenon by the American National Security State. @NewParadigmInst #ufotwitter #aaro
Dr. Steven Greer’s website, founder of CSETI and The Disclosure Project:
One of the Disclosure Project witnesses who went in person to the AARO office to give his testimony stated categorically to Dr. Greer today: "I never told AARO it was an ET craft, I saw. I said numerous times it was 100% man made." He also read other testimony in that report that he knew to be incorrect from what several of his fellow whistleblowers had stated. It was always around the issue of whether a craft was of ET origin or Human Origin.
Dr. Greer has been stating for years that the BIG secret the "powers that be" want to keep secret is NOT that there are UFOs visiting the planet but that HUMANs have reverse - engineered and developed the technology so that humans have craft that look very similar to and behave like ET made craft.
If it were known that HUMANS have these types of craft it would change the perception of 2 major issues:
1) The energy issue. It means we have the means to fix all the energy problems we are facing because we do not need fossil fuels. ET craft and the human craft made to look like ET craft do not use fossil fuels.
2) Attacks allegedly perpetrated by ETs could be proven to be perpetrated by humans with craft mimicking ET made craft
And My Favorite…. from a Tweet by Post-Disclosure World:
Unpopular take: The coverup will be more disturbing to the public than the revelation of aliens.