
“Martin Keller lays out an entirely convincing and gripping account of his own eye-witnessed and continually credible events as an experiencer and his subsequent pursuits for truth and understanding while ultimately surviving travels through the 'UFO Ghetto.’

It is a ghetto indeed if only because mainstream science, the very body of practitioners who should be taking this subject seriously, have relegated the work of Dr. Steven Greer and CSETI and the entire content of the leading researchers and writers on the subject to some junkyard of outlandish fantasy.

This comprehensive journey into the nature of how the inquiry into these matters can obsess one is packed with deep sound witness testimonies, lots of history, classic sightings, lore and a realistic view of the preachers in the skeptic church. It makes for a great bibliography! The Space Pen Club is also an essential read for anyone interested in getting to the truth about one of the greatest mysteries and enigmas in our existence. Who owns these hyper-advanced off world aerodynamic platforms? Who controls their obviously intelligent non-human operators? And if these things are known to anyone, why can't the technology be shared NOW? The mechanisms and fuel sources in these crafts could help save our planet and provide basic needs for millions - power, clean water and climate temperance.”

- Dan Aykroyd Legendary Season 1 SNL cast member, Blues Brother, producer and writer with a lifelong interest in all things psi, paranormal and saucerlogical

A UFO Book Unlike Any Other: Sometimes groovy, always profound, a Minnesota author’s account of his encounter with the people and culture of ufology creates an American classic.

"Now, how should I put this? In my view, with The Space Pen Club, Keller does for the UFO genre what Jack Kerouac did for the road trip. It does what Hunter S. Thompson did for journalism in writing his epic 1970 Kentucky Derby article for Scanlon’s Monthly and thereby inventing Gonzo journalism. It does what Stephen Davis did for the legacy of Led Zeppelin when he brought out his now classic 1985 book, Hammer of the Gods. I mean really, and I hope I am not waxing overwrought, but I can’t think of another book about “The Phenomenon” that intersects with so many facets of human culture — social, political, historical, theological, sociological, psychological, scientific and — yes — ufological. The Space Pen Club is far more than “a UFO book.” It’s a classic piece of literary Americana. It’s art."

- Ken Korczak, writing in MEDIUM

“Martin Keller’s book combines an intriguing personal journey with a careful evaluation of the theories and personalities of the UFO world, striking a perfect balance between skepticism and open-mindedness. His adventures are described honestly and with a flair for detail. The author sifts through the evidence thoughtfully, moving past the clichés and conventional thinking about other-worldly visitors and exploring new scientific theories that involve quantum physics and human consciousness itself. Readers will have their preconceptions shaken, which is a good thing.”

-John Thavis, best-selling New York Times author of The Vatican Diaries, and The Vatican Prophecies: Investigating Supernatural Signs, Apparitions, and Miracles in the Modern Age

"A snappy UFO memoir-tapestry from a music journalist-turned-publicist." -- Kirkus

"Overall, this enjoyable account free-associates through its colorful narrative in a manner that may, for some readers, call to mind the style of fellow Minnesotan Garrison Keillor (who also makes a cameo in these pages). At the same time, Keller’s narrative voice is effectively reminiscent of the style of the late Hunter S. Thompson—particularly his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971), as both books center on smart, savvy individuals grappling intellectually with extraordinary, otherworldly stuff that they just can’t shrug off."

- Kirkus

"Martin Keller didn’t know what was going on when all the lights in his house came on during the night. Or when he was in the dark as a boy and saw a red sphere that seemed to be outside our earthly knowledge..."

"In “The Space Pen Club” (named for the Fischer Pen company’s futuristic pen), Keller takes readers into a deep exploration of UFO/UAP (Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), including an alphabet soup of government, military and private organizations exploring the phenomenon of visitors from outer space.

Keller, a well-known Twin Cities pop culture journalist whose work has appeared in major national publications, has worked for the past 25 years as a public relations specialist…[His] writing is smooth, warm and easily understood. Kirkus’ reviewer compared his writing style to Garrison Keillor and the late Hunter S. Thompson. Comedian Dan Aykroyd, who has a lifelong interest in all things paranormal, calls Keller’s book “an essential read for anyone interested in getting to the truth about one of the greatest mysteries and enigmas in our existence.”

- Pioneer Press

“This is not just another book about UFO sightings, but rather a captivating look at how the public disclosure of UFOs has relentlessly unfolded under the pressure of dedicated activists, the ubiquity of cell phone cameras, a growing acceptance of UFO phenomena, an erosion of the government’s grip on information, and an intensity of contact. Anyone interested in this topic will be captivated by this well-researched and lively written account by a true insider.”

- Adrian Lee, author of Ghosts & UFOs: Connecting Paranormal Phenomena through Quantum Physics

“I never told anyone what happened at dusk that night as my girlfriend and I cruised between cornfields on a small highway back to Minneapolis from Hutchinson, Minnesota. I did not want to hear disbelief, see the snicker forming on faces, or suffer the humiliation of telling my truth. I never told anyone that is until former music journalist Martin Keller shared his truth with me one afternoon over lunch and a little Prince gossip. Kudos to Keller for helping me come to grips with a series of events that happened to me so many years ago and for finally sharing his own story in this personal, page-turning epic called The Space Pen Club!”

- Owen Husney, author of the memoir, Famous People Who've Met Me, and the man who discovered Prince


The CSETI Crop Icon

Created during a CE-5 exercise in England.

“The Space Pen Club reads like a beautifully written novel, or a perplexing mystery to solve. Or simply as the true and often funny and sometimes frightening story of one man’s many attempts to find out the truth about UFO’s, UAP’s or ‘WYWTCT’s -- Whatever You Want to Call Them.’ Martin Keller presents the facts and the facades of this strange world we live in with a no BS attitude and a smart analysis of what’s going on. And it’s packed with an unforgettable cast of characters that are sometimes almost as hard to fathom as the enigmatic behavior of “the boys upstairs” –Keller’s kooky shorthand for whoever – or whatever -- is flying these many objects around our planet and scaring Elon Musk.”

- Louie Anderson, Three-time Emmy Award winning actor, comedian and Best-Selling New York Times author

“Martin Keller’s UFO experiences will shake even the biggest skeptic. His story is so compelling it leaves us thinking about the greater good in an even more expansive way – and or about maybe continuing to fund Space Force?!”

- Lizz Winstead, co-creator of “The Daily Show” and author of Lizz Free Or Die: Essays