SPACE MOUNTAIN: Are UAPs /UFOs Still Transiting In & Out of Mt. Popo in Mexico?!

It almost sounds like a movie plot. And in “reality,” its beautiful and beguiling location really does look like the setting for a film. I’m talking about Mt. Popocatépetl, the Aztec word for “smoking mountain.” Located roughly 45 miles from Mexico City near Puebla, “Popo” (as the locals call it) is North America’s second highest volcano, and became active in 1994, belching out smoke from its impressive, deep cone and occasionally threatening to erupt with even greater force as it sometimes has over the past 27 years.

Popo is also a UAP/UFO hot spot.

Numerous objects have been sighted around it over the years. And it is one of the major centerpieces of The Space Pen Club book in Chapter 7“Under the Volcano with CBS’ 48 Hours, Give or Take a Day or Two.” The chapter’s title stems from an unfortunate encounter with a CBS news crew that in March 1994 shadowed a team from CSETI – the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence – as we investigated the sightings there and tried to initiate contact (a Close Encounter of the 5th Kind) with whatever or whoever was piloting these objects.

Here’s the rub: The “talent” for CBS team and his producer were a day late to our location – hence the title for that chapter: They claimed their car broke down in Puebla, about 20 or so miles away. As the chapter unfolds, the reporter and producer missed a major event the first night they were supposed to be onsite with us – and their own sound and cameraman. Those who were on location all witnessed an object coming toward our site and engaged it by signaling it. It responded in kind every time Steve Greer (CSETI founder) flashed his high-powered light at it! All of it was captured on tape and surprisingly that footage was used to open the segment; the show, however, sadly made us look like gringo rubes.

This chapter also revisits a similar time in 1993 that CSETI members, working as a Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) dispatched to an area of unusually high UAP/UFO activity, encountered a very large triangular craft that interacted with them in a similar fashion. In fact, it appeared that it might land! While the details of both events are recounted in good detail, the chapter is also focused on the many media failings in covering this subject – even up close and personal “under the volcano.”

Webcam Strangeness & A Shout Out to COAST TO COAST

Since that period in the early-to-mid ‘90s, webcams have been trained on Popo and have captured some startling images and footage of what appears to be solid objects transiting in and out of the cone of the active volcano. Most recently the latest footage on June 16, 2021, from the mouth of the volcano – courtesy of UFO Sightings Daily on June 25, 2021 – shows two objects exiting upward. Is it hoaxed? Is it real? Is it out of this world? Or is it some kind of secretive drone technology measuring volcanic activity deep within the mountain? Analysts and technicians can pick it apart and let us know.

But I know there are strange things happening at Popo because I saw firsthand for myself, as described in Chapter 7, an object near the cone playing peekaboo with the CSETI team and the CBS crew!

I also briefly discussed this on COAST TO COAST the other night, the morning of July 4 (when most of you were probably sleeping) with host Richard Syrret. Thanks again, Richard, for allowing me to talk about the new book, that lousy government UAP/UFO report (see my previous blog), and of course the experience “under the volcano.” The show is reportedly archived on the COAST site here.

I have a feeling this is not the last “visual data” that we’ll see from the majestic, unsettled mountain. Stay tuned.



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