“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), following the Iran Contra hearings, May 1987
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ghosts are everywhere in Washington, D.C.. They were as thick as the forest fire haze that engulfed the nation’s capital three days after the dramatic UFO whistleblower testimony of former intelligence officer David Grusch in a story published by The DeBrief, now going viral, and just two days before Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project came onstage for a fitting but disturbing encore that would amplify -- and vastly expand Grusch’s claims of “deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.” And then some.
The words of Martin Luther King’s 60-year-old “I Have a Dream Speech” at the Lincoln Memorial to 250,000 people still hangs in D.C.s rarefied air. And although you can’t see them, the half million marchers opposed to the Vietnam War in 1967 are still visible across the scrim of history and along Washington’s impossibly long city blocks. The traces of subsequent marches by famers, women, Black Lives Matter, LBGQT communities, all lie embedded in the city’s dense memory fabric. And there too fly the still damning words and brave actions of ex-Marine officer, former Defense Department employee and Rand Corporation analyst Daniel Ellsberg. Perhaps the western world’s most recognized “whistleblower” for his release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, Ellsberg’s words and deeds remain redolent in this city of power and secrets and its ardent and vigilant truth tellers.
It’s somehow poetic that Ellsberg died June 16, 2023, after a short run of whistleblowing days about what may be the most revolutionary secret ever held by world governments and select military contractors. The events of last week again punctured the official narrative, the failing fantastic fortress that is now under assault like it has never been before in the truly murky and maligned history of so-called “UFOlogy.”
So what do Grusch’s revelatory testimony (and a subsequent interview with investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, reporting for NewsNation where he claimed bodies of downed extraterrestrials have also been recovered and covered up) and the alarming testimony of five new witnesses from the Disclosure Project have in common with the ghosts of the bygone civil and anti-war movements? Put simply, most are driven by citizen initiatives and an informed media corps willing to report honestly about them, the kind of activism or advocacy that can ignite and flourish only in healthy democracies. And citizen initiatives are the only thing that are going to change the UFO discussion and expose its truth, as American Constitutional Trial Attorney, Dan Sheehan, has said time and again.
Imagine then my surprise – and delight – in seeing Sheehan at last week’s Disclosure event, his famous mane of thick, curly (white) hair recognizable almost anywhere. The bold litigator whose elite legal counsel has fueled such proceedings as Iran Contra scandal, the Karen Silkwood case, Watergate, and yes, The Pentagon Papers, and many others, was a longtime advisor to Greer’s Disclosure efforts dating back to the ‘90s (you can read about how I connected the two in my “UFO memoir.”). Plus, how can you not love a guy who carries around a small copy of The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution?!
Daniel Sheehan, Constitutional Attorney, Defender of the Realm
Crash Retrievals, Our Own Anti-gravity Spacecraft and The Shadow World
Luckily for the 350-plus attendees, donors and witnesses attending the June 10-11 weekend events at the JW Marriott and The National Press Club on June 12, both just a 15-minute stroll to the fortified White House and nearby monuments like the Washington obelisk, the air finally cleared. Even if the foggy machinations of the AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) and NASA’s own new UAP study group have not (and are not likely to any time soon).
To an outsider, though, the three-day event might have looked more like the most earnest gathering of conspiracy believers eager to crowd surf through eroded rabbit warrens and collapsing worm holes of information to make sense of a myriad of UFO/UAP narratives that often times seem well, senseless, sensational, paranoid, grandiose, off the charts, all of the above.
But what I saw and heard in DC– aside from occasional bombastic statements from Greer, light-heartedly self-describing as “a cosmic Johnny Appleseed” -- was for the most part a well-researched and highly articulated vision that laid out facts, opinions and insights into the following discussions topics as Greer and his “teams” know it, including claims that there is an entire enterprise that is in reality a criminal one, operating outside of the law:
· The Architecture of Secrecy (relying on standard classified designations and compartmentalization, plus the need for anyone working in these realms be “read into” Special Access Programs –SAP – and Unacknowledged Special Access Programs – USAP).
· Counterintelligence and disinformation (cattle mutilations and staged “abductions” cited as psychological operations)
· Media corruption
· Tic Tacs/UAP*
· Weaponizing technologies for National Security
· The State of Disclosure (Greer’s Disclosure database going back almost three decades with witnesses from inside military, gov. agencies and corporations now numbers around 750)
· Top government officials briefed by Greer who were denied access to these deep black programs (what he termed “Inverse witnesses”).
Dr. Greer, MD, offering a Master Class in the Whole Enchilada?
Call it a Master Class, but a Master Class in what?! The whole enchilada….? This overwhelming information – and the subsequent witness testimony that followed – is so remarkable and often incredible that it can immediately shut down anyone who begins to consider its believability.
What was gleaned:
· How deep and alleged illegal black programs are free from any constitutional oversight, from the president and congress to high-ranking generals and others.
· The ways in which ET craft “are brought down” (electro-magnetic scaler technology often piggy-backed on conventional radar systems).
· The legally – and also illegally -- funded development of our own anti-gravity vehicles with extraordinary aerodynamic capabilities like the renowned “Tic Tacs” and other larger craft, from triangles (reported extensively in the Belgium wave of the ‘90s and elsewhere to boomerang-shaped craft, prominently described during the Hudson Valley sightings in the ‘80s and others), all usually reported as “unidentified.” — and all “ours.”
· How the suppressed technologies such as free energy devices are co-opted -- dating back to Nikola Tesla -- technologies that could transform the world and its increasingly endangered environment choked by burning fossil fuels.
Screen slide of an ARV (manmade “alien reproductive vehicle”) from Michael Schratt’ s presentation on “The Illegal Black Budget”
For the faithful and the dubious who have followed Greer’s published work and forums through 30 years – and the last two Disclosure events in DC in 2001 and 1997 respectively – some of this was simply old business (in full personal disclosure with a deliberate small d, I served as his pro bono PR/Comms guy in the ‘90s and was his invited guest this past weekend, meaning I paid no fee for the conference).
Nevertheless, Greer’s massive charisma – one of his superpowers -- continued to inspire those at the event with fanboy and girl standing ovations and much fawning when offstage. One of the Army witnesses below exclaimed during the press conference, “This man is my new General,” while a wide-eyed devotee sitting at breakfast one morning at a table near me remarked to a friend, “My dream would be to follow Steve Greer around the country as his assistant.”
Sycophants aside, both Greer and Michael Schratt, a military/aviation technology historian, presented other revelatory info that included research and statements that the U.S. has had operational anti-gravitic aircraft with electromagnetic propulsion systems (allegedly reverse engineered from ET vehicles) since roughly 1954. These “alien reproductive vehicles” (ARV) are what are often misidentified for interstellar spacecraft.
Another screen slide from Michael Schratt’ s presentation on “The Illegal Black Budget”
“Ninety percent of all so-called UFO sightings are manmade,” Schratt noted. But he soon pivoted to a long discussion about crash and ET body retrievals, presenting 20-some cases – complete with new illustrations for the conference. Although “second-hand” in nature – not unlike Grusch’s whistleblower claims which are also second hand to a big extent, this part of Schratt’ s presentation derived largely from deceased UFO research pioneer and academic, Dr. Leo Stringfield and his seven-part "UFO Crash Retrieval Status Report" book series published in the early ‘90s.
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” –Henry Kissinger,
The Truth Conductors?
The problem with all of this “stuff” aired in DC is that none of it can be presented publicly under the AARO guidelines that prohibit “civilian” input and data. And a recent – and an unrelated Disclosure event – news account and interview in The Minot Daily News underscores the rising suspicion that these current official government efforts to disclose the ET reality are just the latest in a short list of phony “storefront” operations that include Project Blue Book and others.
According to David Schindele, a retired U.S. Air Force captain who was involved in a UFO incident at a missile launch control center in the Minot missile field in 1966, he recently testified to AARO and had little good to say about its transparency or its truth trajectory:
David Schindele and the 1966 Minot account: A recent AARO witness to missiles becoming “unlaunchable.”
“He [Schindele] said the ‘oral history reviews’ were conducted with former military who have had sightings, incidents and encounters impacting national security. ‘Sad to say, however, I have now determined that AARO is part of the cover-up and cannot be trusted,’ Schindele said.”
The newspaper account clearly establishes the former airman’s cred and why he was granted an AARO interview in the past month (behind closed doors): “Schindele, who was stationed at Minot Air Force Base from July 1965 to May 1968, was involved in a UFO incident occurring in September 1966. During that incident, Air Force members from the Minot base experienced an incident in the Minot missile field in which a flying object took ‘off alert’ all 10 of the nuclear-tipped missiles, causing them to be unlaunchable. About a dozen military members topside at the missile launch control facility observed the mysterious flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the perimeter fence on that September night.
The Minot Daily News 1966 UFO Incident at Minot Air Force Base
“Schindele, a Minuteman ICBM launch control officer and deputy missile combat crew commander, was at a launch control center near Mohall, where the incident occurred. Air Force officials instructed the military members at the launch control facility and those who knew about the incident, never to speak about it and as far as they should be concerned, it never happened.
“The Minot Daily News carried the front-page headline, “Minot Launch Control Center ‘Saucer’ Cited As One Indication Of Outer Space Visitors,” for a story published on Dec. 6, 1966, about UFOs seen in the local area.”
Which brings us to the Disclosure Project’s witnesses on hand in Washington this month. You can watch their testimony during the National Press Club briefing here (recommended, but 3 hours long), although truth be told, media turnout for the event was downright poor. Probably because Greer’s nonprofit org relies strictly on volunteers to run operations, including media outreach, PR, flaking, call it what you will.
On June 12, this crippled, short-sighted strategy proved detrimental, leaving comment and shared links to the presser mostly to social media channels where distortions and other distractions easily fertilize pro- and anti-Greer factions of all stripes. More’s the pity. Given what a relatively slow news day it was on the eve of the Trump indictments the next day, the news conference might have made both important mainstream and online media. That said, the press conference reportedly has already received over 1 million hits thus far online.
While the witness accounts over the weekend – again, complete with illustrations -- were often rambling and hard to follow, the men who testified on Monday finally got their acts together for the news conference and delivered the following information, abridged here for brevity’s sake:
· Steven Digna, U.S. Army, witnessed a V-shaped craft at or near Ft. Irwin (Barstow, Calif. Area) that he claims was built by Raytheon, with two company officials on site during the incident who disapproved of Digna’s presence during the episode. The next evening, he and his wife allegedly experienced a fake abduction experience while driving home from a movie through the desert. The man’s story was made more compelling by Digna’s personal revelation that he suffers from a brain injury incurred during an unrelated live fire exercise with his men.
Steven Digna and the alleged Raytheon craft he witnessed
· Michael Herrera, former Marine, shared what was perhaps the conference’s most disturbing testimony: How, on a humanitarian mission in Sumatra in 2009 after the big Indonesian earthquake and tsunami, he and his men accidentally encountered in deep jungle a covertly made ET-like craft being loaded with drugs and weapons by other “soldiers” whose uniforms bore no conventional insignias. Threatened with execution on the spot, the men were soon marched out of the site. The next day he was called into a debriefing room with “either a General or Admiral” – again with no defining military insignias on his uniform and made to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), under threat of death or jail if he ever told his story.
With legal whistleblower protection now in place since December 2022, Herrera decided to come forth after 14 years and share it, taking a few jabs at the Matrix in the process: “The military industrial complex is happy to spend tons of your money to alleviate their fears,” he told the captive audience of mostly event attendees at the National Press Club briefing. In a tale that shockingly touches on human trafficking and other high crimes, part of his story was already in print in the tabloid three days before the press conference.
Michael Herrrera at the DC Presser: Breaking His NDA of 14 years
The alleged manmade craft Herrera and his men accidentally discovered in the jungle, 2009
· DC Long, U.S. Army, viewed a hovering long and large and heavy box-like structure at a Top-Secret facility at Fr. Bragg, but refused to sign an NDA. The next day, his father’s commercial operation and sole means of livelihood were shut down, allegedly in retaliation for Long not signing the NDA. It sent Long and his father into a period of homelessness and despair and contributed to Long’s battle with alcoholism. Long’s story occasionally elicited emotional reactions from Greer as he listened silently onstage.
· Eric Hecker, who claimed he was a Raytheon contractor stationed at the South Pole, discovered an operating “faster-than-the-speed-of light” communications array for interstellar space and an energy-directed defensive weapons system, supposedly targeting real UAP. He intimated that this system was responsible for triggering an earthquake in South Church, New Zealand.
· Colonel Heckert, USAF, discussed his time as a U2 pilot and his encounter with a genuine – not manmade – flying object, which he was able to capture with the plane’s photographic equipment. In surrendering the film, he and his copilot were subject to the “Don’t Talk About It” party line by superior, commanding officers, a common trait that dominates many similar stories by military service men and women.
As the three-day deep black world marathon wound down, Derek Garcia, a young, New Mexico attorney, clearly inspired by the gravitas of the Disclosure Project, which he had been following since the second one in 2001, described a team of 50+ lawyers and paralegals who are volunteering to begin filing RICO charges (Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization) and other legal actions against the corporations and individuals aligned with the alleged criminal enterprises laid out over the weekend in the shadow government referred to through the years by Sen. Inouye, Rep. John Dingle (D-Michigan), Sen. J.W. Fulbright (D-Arkansas) and others, plus Greer’s team.
“Show up, suit up, stand up, for the future of your country, and your world!” Garcia exclaimed.
It will not be an easy lift or a visible battle. In a candid moment during a break in the action, Sheehan assured those around him that RICO charges are some of the hardest to bring and prove in the U.S. judicial system. So, what will happen next… perhaps a small respite to let the cosmic dust settle …for one could easily grow tired of the fight, become cynical about all manner of every discussion – and bored with key movers and shakers, the central detractors, new news stories, or even dismissive of the ET reality that so many have described so well for so long and in countless documents, films, books, FOIA requests and Disclosure events.
What would Ellsberg do?
The answer is burning in the skies.
A regular in front of the White House: The Truth Conductor a day before Disclosure Project events